THE TWO DECADES BEGINNING IN 1876 saw the appearance of the incandescent lamp, the telephone, hydraulic generators, skyscrapers, electric trolleys, subways, and elevators, as well as cinema, X-rays, and the first automobiles. By 1903 the spectacle of the first mechanically powered airships and then airplanes had shattered the still inviolate(bozulmamıs) horizontally (yatay)of the phenomenological and geopolitical space of the pre-World War I era. The life-world in
whose configuration could be expressed either in terms of a dynamics of force and a relativism or in the privative terms of nihilism and dissolution.(çözünme) Whatever their ultimate (nihai) convictions(kanaat), the philosophies of Henri Bergson and Edmund Husserl may be seen to form one axis of this configuration:
Bergson's for its insistence on the nondiscrete nature of the contents of consciousness and on the systematic dissolution of spatial form in the fluid multiplicity of durée
Bergsonun bilincin içeriğinin bütünsel dogası ve mekansal formun akışın çokluğu ve süre içindeki sistematik çözünme iddiaları
Husserl for its attempt to work out the dynamic of (ap)perception by extending the intentional horizon (perceptual field) to the vector of internal time consciousness so that a perceived object (noema)—already defined as partial and contingent(olası ihtimal) in space—was further relativized(göreceli) in a temporal complex of retained (akılda tutmak)and anticipated (tahmin edilen)images.
Husserl algı ve idrak etmedeki dinamikdurumu açıklıyor, kisisel ufuk bir nevi bakış açısı, içsel zamanın biliçteki yeri. obje ondan bize gelen verilerle zaten bizdeki olanlarla olası halleri yeniden sekilleniyor.
The first systematic attempt to express these new principles, however, arose(meydana cıkmak) in the realm of aesthetics, first and most fully in the theoretical program of Italian futurism, yet realized unequivocally only in the work of one of its members, Antonio Sant'Elia. The movement's founder, Filippo Tommaso Marinette, published the "Foundation Manifesto" in the Paris daily Le Figaro in February
yeni algı sistemleri bedenin yeniden farklı bicimde yapılandırdı.
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