Tüketmek Zorunda Olduğum Enerji Fazlalığı İşlemek İstediğim Günahlar Kısaca deryada deryalıklar!
23 Mar 2008
The dialectic is back on the agenda. But it is no longer Marx's dialectic, just as Marx's was no longer Hegel's...The dialectic today no longer clings to historicity and historical time, or to a temporal mechanism such as "thesis-antithesis-synthesis" or "affirmation-negation-negation of the negation"...This ,then is what is new and paradoxical:the dialectic is no longer atteached to temporality. Therefore, refutations of historical materialism or of hegelian historicity cannot function as critiques of the dialectic. To recognise space, to recognise what "takes place" there and what it is used for, is to resume the dialectic;analysis will reveal the contradictions of space...in the route from mental space to social space...(in the)specific contradictions...between centers and peripheries...in political economy, in political science, in the theory of urban reality, and in the analysis of all social and mental process...We are not speaking of science of space, but of a knowledge(theory) of the production of space...this most general of products.(1976:14,17-18),syf 44
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