E.Sojanın Lefebre acılımı
center-Periphery(kenar varos)
representation of space-space of represantation ? bul
For lefebvre, lived spaces were passionate, "hot", and teeming with sensual intimacies. Conceived spaces were intellectual, abstract, "cool", distanciating. They too inflamed passions, but these were centered more in the mind than in the body. ...But even here, although not always succesfully, he tried to avoid the rigidity of categorical equivalence(body=hot=periphery, mind=cool=center) for this reeked of what he saw as the deadening of dialectical reasoning in conceptual dualisms,in the construction of compelling binary oppositions that are categorically closed to new, unanticipated possibilities. Two terms newer enough, he would repeadly write. There is always the OTHER, a third term disrupts, disorders, and begins to reconstitute the conventional binary opposition into an-Other that comprehends but is more than just the sum of two parts.(syf 31)
"META..." has many meaning: transgression, a going beyond, an excess, etc. Meta-physics did not imply at first a negation or denial of the physical;it took on this sense only after the long and eventful development of modern philosophy. Similarly, meta-language does not signify the abolution of language; it conveys the meaning of a "discourse on discourse"...
The term meta -philosophy then is not the abolution of philosophy. To the contrary, it opens up a sphere of reflexion and meditation in which philosophy appears in all its fullness but also with all its limitations...Meta philosophy differs from philosophy most notably in its acceptance of the world of representations. it analyzes representations as such, as internal to their world, and from this analysis comes to critique of representations...The great illusion of philosophy arises from the belief that it can completely transcend(aşmak) representations to reach a more concrete and complex truth.(La Presence et l'absence:Contribution a la theori desrepresentations(1980:89-90, sojas translation)(syf 33-34)
This commentary on the meanings of meta-positions the "critique of representations" at the heart of Lefebvre's metaphilosophy and, as we will soon see, at the source of his conceptualization of the (social)production of (social) space.(sojanın yorumu)
Lefebvre was one of the first to therozie Difference and otherness in explicitly spatial terms and he linked this spatial theorization directly to his meta-Marxist critique of the "representations of power"and the "power of representation". He did so by insisting that difference be contextualized in social and political practices that are linked to spatio-analyse, the analysis or better, the knowledge (connaissance-bilme tanıma) of the (social) production of (social) space. syf34
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