23 Kas 2008

Why Current Studies Of Human Capacities Can never Be Scientific/Herbert Dreyfus

Natural science(especially physical science) is normally stable and relatively Cumulative. Normally, sciences like physics have a generally agreed upon paradigm of how to research. Occasionally a crisis comes along in which there is disagreement as to how to account for anomalies and about what counts as evi,dence and valid arguments. Crisis continues until the anomalies are removed by some new scheme which gains agreement, re-establishing normal science. On this view, the natural sciences are not as cumulative as once believed, but there is still progress.
The human sciences, on the other hand, have never been stable or cumulative. They suffer from what Foucault calls "essential instability.." temel kararsızlık??(Michel Foucault, The Order of Things, Vintage, 1973, p.348)

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